Week 2 - Morning Routines Spring '24

Challenge #2: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself!

Time to check in! Here is the checklist the BUILT team uses. Your job is to check off as many boxes as possible!

Post a picture of the list to Seesaw!

Submit on Seesaw

Challenge #3: Run Like the Wind!

We want you to take this week's challenge and run with it.

See who is the fastest member in your family or among your friends!

Take a picture of the photo finish and post it to Seesaw!

Submit on Seesaw

Challenge #4: I Love You All a Brunch!

With a parent, make breakfast in the shape of your favorite cookie cutter and post a picture of it to Seesaw!

Submit on Seesaw

BUILT Like A Pro - Thunder Rosa

Congratulations for completing your challenges, as a reward here is an interview with the first Mexican born women’s wrestling champion in history, Thunder Rosa!!! How did she beat the odds? Click play to find out!!!

Submit on Seesaw

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BUILT Logo OrangeUrban Initiatives LogoChicago Park District seal
Healthy Kids Lab at UIC
UIC College of Applied Health Sciences

1919 W. Taylor St.
Room 626
M/C 517
Chicago, IL 60612

P: (312) 413-7270
F: (312) 413-0319
